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New and continuing students are required to register for classes each term. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the course. 


The registration process is easy. Simply sit with your academic advisor and select the courses for the next session. Bring this information to the Business Office and make arrangements to pay your fees.


The college publishes registration times well in advance of the new term. Typically, there's a pre-registration, general registration and late registration period. Continuing students are encouraged to take advantage of the pre-registration period when the registration fee is set at $20.  Fees for general and late registration are $50 and $80 respectively.





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To register for certificate courses please complete the appropriate registration for and submit it to the Office of Admissions. Upon approval you will be instructed to remit the necessary fees to the Business Office. All fees must be paid prior to the commencement of classes. In some cases the Business Office may consider extending installment plans in which case 50% or more of the fees must be paid at the time of registration and an installment fee not less than $75 will be added to the total amount charged.


Students are advised to register at least 5 days prior to the stated start date of a course to ensure class space and to avoid late registration charges.


The college does not have any strict requirements regarding enrollment in certificate courses but students are expected to demonstrate reasonable levels of competancy in English. 

If you have been accepted into the high school completion program your registration is complete. Simply visit your advisor and you will be given instructions regarding your log on procedures. Follow these instructions to begin completing your lessions. 


If you have not completed the enrollment process, please visit the office of admissions to do so at this time. This is a rather lengthy process that may take considerable time so you need to do so immediately if you wish to get started for the next session.

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